Rather than doing my usual workout this morning, I did one that focused on ab work followed by a full stretching routine and I am so stiff and non-flexible, I make Frankenstein's monster look positively Gumby-like.
This is not good. I used to be quite flexible, which probably explains why my legs used to appear to be so much longer and why I could bend over to pick up objects from the floor without feeling like I might snap in two. Huh.
So, as part of this program, I am going to be adding quite a bit more flexibility training, starting with the stretching sessions and working my way up to more advanced yoga practice. I'm assuming the yoga will also be good for my mental health and will be a nice break on days that I cannot fathom the thought of doing one more front lunge with a bicep curl.
In nutrition news, I am on day 11 of no sugar, no crap, no regrets and; I feel fine. I have had some moments of temptation, mellow-creme Halloween candy featuring often in the equation but, despite having actually purchased said mellow-cremes, I have yet to bust open the bag. I keep telling myself that the impulse to eat them has more to do with fond memories of childhood Halloweens than of actually wanting to eat the candy and that seems to be helping.
My garden is just about done for the year so, Sunday, I will pull the last of the carrots, beets, spaghetti squash and peppers. I recently purchased a Food Saver and plan to freeze the beets and carrots. The squash will go into dry storage for as long as it lasts or until it has all been eaten. I am leaving the butternut squash in the garden for a few more days, allowing them to finish ripening and to cure. The sweet potatoes are still in the ground and will be until their vines begin to die off which hasn't happened yet.
Once I have harvested, frozen and stored everything, I will focus on cooking nutritious foods, also for freezing, which will make dinner prep a breeze during the winter months when I am often too tired to cook, thanks to the lack of sunlight throughout the day. Also, having a variety of healthy items at my disposal will allow me some flexibility in menu planning.
And we all know I could use some flexibility.
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