Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Month 2 is Proving Much More Difficult Than Month 1

I am struggling with cravings for obnoxious things; candy, pastry, fresh bread, ice cream, chips. So far, I have won the battle over these obnoxious cravings but, it hasn't always been easy.

For example, yesterday, my woman's service club celebrated the 94th birthday of it's parent organization and one of our members baked a huge cake to mark the occasion. While I had no problem saying no to a slice of cake, an hour later, I almost lost my shit in the Easter aisle of the Hellmouth.


Instead, I dutifully purchased the chocolate and candy items necessary for the kids' baskets and then I headed to the produce aisle where I picked up a huge container of strawberries for myself. This is progress, of course but, holy Hannah; why this month gotta be so tough?

Last night, I walked for three miles while the Cub practiced baseball. I really need to make myself get back in the habit of doing toning/strength/cardio workouts at home but am having a hard time building up the motivation. I don't know what the hell my problem is; my body has always responded quickly and beautifully to those workouts and I have no reason to believe that this time would be any different and yet; I remain sloth like.

It will be no surprise when I fail to lose weight this week.

No surprise at all.

On the other hand, yeah; ten pounds down, twenty to go.

Oy vey.

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