Not pregnant. Just fat.
Work is a major downer. Stressor. Irritant. Fat-and-lazy-making-depressive-time-suck-of-doom. But, since there isn't much that I can do about that, short of winning the lottery (probably not realistic); I'm going to have to suck it up and take back control of the rest of my day.
Step one: Better diet in 2011. Not Go on a DIET, just, eat a better diet. This means eating breakfast again, every day. It means drinking more water and less Diet Pepsi.
Step two: Move my ass. I don't have to train for a marathon, I just need to commit myself to doing some form of exercise every day. I've done it before and I've both failed and succeeded. The success came from doing exercises I enjoyed. The failure came from pushing myself into injury because I wasn't paying attention to my body when it was clearly telling me to taper off. I won't make that mistake again.
Step three: Adjust my attitude. As I've said, I can't control the suckitude that is my day job. I CAN focus on the fact that the sucky job allows me time with my kids. Time to attend their many functions and time that I can use to work out. It's entirely possible that the suckiness may just evaporate with an attitude adjustment (just to be on the safe side, however; I won't stop playing the lottery anytime soon).
Step four: Do the things I love. This includes spending more time with the people who make me happy and that means making time to see The Girls. Miles between us shouldn't prevent us from connecting and I vow to see each of them at least once this year, more often if at all possible.
So, yeah, 2010 can kiss my ass. 2011 will be my bitch.
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