Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Holding Pattern

Nothing new to report. I am sticking to my diet and doing my best to make exercise a priority. I have had quite a bit of success with situations that might have been a challenge for me in the past-weekend trips, social occasions, holidays-and have managed not to fall completely off the wagon.

My weight loss has been slow but steady and, if it continues, will get me to my goal weight by September.

I have had far less PMS-related misery since I started eating better but, never more so than this month. Indeed, I expect Aunt Flo any day now and yet I have managed to dodge the serious cravings that I normally have for chocolate, salty foods and fat. Also, I don't appear to be nearly as bloated as I generally get this time of the month and (fingers crossed so as not to jinx myself) I have absolutely no breast tenderness. I'm sleeping well and the afternoon exhaustion that had become such a normal part of my monthly cycle has been MIA this month while the desire to continue exercising has increased. My skin is better than it has been for years and, while part of the credit for that might go to the monthly facials and expensive products I have been using; I mostly credit the healthier diet and increased water consumption.

All in all, I am pleased and can easily see myself continuing this lifestyle for the rest of my life. I think that realization is almost more rewarding than the weight loss, itself.

Although, I'm really, really happy about the weight loss (fifteen pounds, so far).

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