Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not FAT But, Fat For ME

At 5'5" and just under 150 pounds, there are not many people who would consider me fat, I’ll get that out right away. And, while my weight certainly falls within a healthy range for my height, it also falls to the far, far right of that scale (when, not too long ago, it fell to the left).

The far right is not where I want to be. The far right makes me tired and lethargic and causes my clothing not to fit and my feet to hurt and my head to spin when I look at myself in the mirror and; I've had a lot of head spinning moments, lately.

 It’s my fault, I’ll get that out right away as well; I eat crappy foods, exercise less consistently than I should and I allow sugar cravings to rule my life. As I’ve said, I wasn’t always like this, in fact, as recently as two years ago, I was eating a healthy diet, mostly abstaining from sweets and working out on a regular basis which, was a tremendous improvement over how I was treating my body two years before that; are you sensing a theme, here?


The same thirty pounds have been my nemesis since college, I gain them, wallow in my misery for a few years, rededicate myself to taking care of myself, lose them, keep them off for a number of years and then slide right back off the wagon. It is maddening. But, no more, this time, I’m going to lose the weight differently (and, I am going to lose it, oh yes, I am); I’m going to do the things that I know work, I’m going to cut back on calories, journal every bite of food that goes into my mouth, I’m going to drink plenty of water, refrain from the Devil Sugar and, I’m going to move my ass.

It’s a simple formula but, as I said, one that has worked for me in the past.

What I’m not going to do is rush myself, this is going to take time and I need to accept that fact. I’m not going to cut my calories so drastically that my metabolism shuts down and I’m not going to exercise myself into an injury (Plantar Fasciitis derailed me the last time, not going to happen again) and I’m not going to sabotage my progress with total self-deprivation, there will be an occasional cheat-night on this plan, wait, scratch that, it’s not cheating, it’s rewarding the other 98% of the time that I plan to do well.

Also, I’m going to celebrate my achievements. I’m going to indulge in things, people, and experiences that I love rather than sedating myself with fat and sugar. I’m going to record my experience here and, while it may sometimes consist of complaints about sore muscles and confessions regarding the near-overwhelming urge to throttle random strangers on the street (detox from sugar causes wild mood swings, hence the existence of The Twinkie Defense), I’m going to be honest and, one day, I hope to be able to look back and revel in my success.

So, next up: Monday morning initial weigh-in and The Beginning. In the meantime, one last day of slovenly indulgence.

Baby steps, you know.

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