Tuesday, September 14, 2010

That Went Spectacularly Well. NOT

You know what they say about the road to hell, right? Well then, yesterday was a straight shot, no curves, no speed bumps path straight to the fiery gates and beyond.

I am so frustrated with myself. I did great in the morning, yogurt, fruit, plenty of water, only one cup of half-caff with a smidge of half-n-half. Lunch was fine, I ate my Lean Cuisine and drank some more water and sang my own praises until, around 4:00 when I developed a raging headache (sugar detox?) and slipped into eating a couple of handfuls of pretzel nuggets. Still not the end of the world, right?
I figured I would walk off the extra 200 calories at the park later that evening (pipe dreams; they aren’t just for reality show contestants!) but, by the time I got off work and made my way to the park I was crashing and, sitting in the car with a book seemed like a much nicer way to spend my time.
Once we got home, I ate a bowl of Healthy Choice soup, added up my calories for the day, found myself somehow miraculously under my calorie limit and just about sprained my arm patting myself on the back.
Two hours later, I was in the kitchen licking the cream cheese frosting off the lid of a container that held the last cinnamon roll in existence, or, so you would have thought judging by the way I snarffed that mother down.
What. The. Fuck.
I used to be able to control myself. I used to be able to talk myself into making good choices, where has all my self-restraint gone?
My period woke me up at three o’clock this morning.
That explains a lot.
And, today WILL be a better day.

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