Monday, May 23, 2016

Take THAT, Body!

I did a lot of manual labor this weekend, including about twelve hours of heavy-duty gardening over the course of two days. I was able to get my flowerbeds completely weeded and my rose bushes looking fine. I didn't eat a whole lot either day, due to a combination of not being hungry, being busy, and being on my period, which generally kills my appetite, but, I managed to eat good things.


Oatmeal with blueberries.

Low-fat chicken salad for lunch.

Cherries for an afternoon snack.

Spaghetti squash with turkey pasta sauce for dinner. Not pictured, cherries that I had for an evening snack.

Calories: 873
Fat: 10g
Fiber: 22g
Protein: 69g
Exercise: Hour long walk.


Low-fat turkey salad on whole wheat Sandwich Thin. I ate this once for lunch and then again for dinner. Not pictured, the cherries, banana, Goldfish crackers and reduced fat Jiff-to-Go peanut butter cup that I had for a snacks throughout the day.

Calories: 1126
Fat: 25g
Fiber: 25g
Protein: 86g
Exercise: Gardening

Starbucks venti iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte and a roasted tomato and mozzarella Panini for brunch.

Grilled chicken leg quarter, grilled Brussels sprouts, and baked beans for dinner. Not pictured, the glass of Pinot Grigio that I sipped on in the tub later that night, to soak the soreness out of my body.

Calories: 1118
Fat: 20g
Fiber: 12g
Protein: 36g
Exercise: Gardening

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