Sunday, August 14, 2011

Goals for the Week

-Journal every bite of food on the Weight Watchers site.
-Exercise every day.
-Eat no processed sugar.
-Cut out crap carbs.
-Drink my water.
-Try to find a moment for meditation or relaxation every day. 

Friday, August 12, 2011



Which is actually a one pound loss over last week when my weight was 137 and I was too depressed to write a post.

I'm still depressed but, one pound less depressed.

This week: Focusing on staying within my daily points, avoiding sugar and crap carbs (pretzel thins, goldfish, etc) and, daily exercise.

I can do this. I just have to try a little harder.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things to Remember

When I am heavier, my bras pinch my boobs like an elderly woman pinches a toddlers cheeks. I enjoy the pinching about as much as the toddler.

When I am heavier, a roll (or twelve) of fat hinders my ability to roll into the fetal position in my sleep. The fetal position happens to be my favorite sleeping position so I roll into it a lot.

When I am heavier, an extra chin appears, making my neck look somewhat tumorous. No, tumorous isn't really a word but, you get the picture.

When I am heavier, my sleep patterns are shot to hell. I hate struggling to get out of bed in the morning.

When I am heavier, I care less about how I look and I make less of an effort to look good. Greasy ponytails are soooo Junior High.

When I am heavier, I feel less great about myself and that starts to affect how I live the rest of my life, how I care for my home, my children, my marriage, my job.

When I am heavier, I am less me even though there is more of me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Circling the Drain


I have not been doing well.

Actually, that is an understatement. I have, in fact, fallen off the wagon. Then, the wagon backed up and ran over me. A lot.

I have no excuse save for being an idiot and, really, what kind of excuse is that?

Luckily, despite the copious amounts of crap that I have been ingesting on a reglar basis, my weight is hovering at 136-137. This is due to the fact that I haven't completely given up on excercise, no doubt. Or, because I managed to develop enough muscle to require additional calories, whichever.

The fact is: I need to pull my shit together and kick sugar back out on the curb. I have no doubt that it is the return to a sugar-laden diet that has caused this backslide. Sugar is the devil.

Sugar makes me sluggish. It makes me tired. It's causing pain in my joints, particularly my big toe joint on my right side and, after the whole plantar facscitis deabcle; I'm kind of protective of my right foot. Obviously, sugar has to go.

Too bad that is easier said than done.

Still, I'm back in the saddle, on the wagon, in the groove, whatever. Starting today, I am rededicating myself to tracking Weight Watchers Points religiously, to avoiding sugar and processed foods, and to daily excercise, no matter how hot it is outside.

My short-term goal is to lose the six pounds that I have gained since hitting my most recent low of 131 pounds and my long-term goal is to finally reach 119. Hopefully by Christmas.

So, yeah...wagons ho.