Friday, May 27, 2011



This is the least I have weighed in...I can't remember...quite a while I am sure. This is also the first week in quite a while that I managed to lose two pounds instead of one; I credit the gardening, heavy yard work and housework that I did last week with the increase because I know that I took in a few more calories than normal, mostly in the form of movie candy and Goldfish crackers so, my diet can't exactly be to credit.

Today I plan to do my usual 3.5-4 mile walk but I also intend to indulge in some salt water taffy at the Man-Cub's baseball game later this evening. I think that will be acceptable since we don't have any plans for food-related festivities this Memorial Day weekend.

Hopefully, I will get some additional exercise in over the next three days, as well and, fingers crossed, will see another two pound loss next week.

Hey, a girl can hope.

Monday, May 23, 2011

See the Sea Chelle. Now See Chelle Run

Hugh brought our boat home last night. The Sea Chelle spent the past six months in dry storage and now it is time to get her lake-worthy. This means that is is time to get my ass bikini-worthy and, thanks to the head-start that I have on that chore, 'm feeling far less defeated than I normally would this time of year.

In fact, I'm hoping to be ready to slip into the new zebra-striped two-piece that I ordered from Victoria's Secret just in time to slip the boat into the reservoir; I just have to start a dedicated running program.

I'm going to get right on that.


Friday, May 20, 2011



Another pound down, bringing total loss to 16 pounds which means that I am halfway to my goal. Go, me!

In addition to the lost pound, I appear to have lost some of the less pleasant side effects of PMS, or, I did for this month at least and, since I am willing to take this thing one month at a time; I'll call that a success.

The past week was less structured as far as exercise goes; the weather prevented me from walking as much as I would have liked but I made up for it by spending more time on weight workouts and toning routines for both lower and upper body.

With any luck, the weather this week will improve and I will be able to add walking (and possibly more running) to the program as I would like to increase my weight loss to two pounds a week if at all possible which, is it possible? I don't know but I'm willing to try.

In the meanwhile, halfway there, baby, halfway there.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today, one of my employees asked me if I had lost weight and, if so, how much? She is the first person (aside from my parents who don't count because they notice if I part my hair slightly off-center of my regular part and are, therefore, the most observant individuals in the history of parenting which means that the first two pounds I lost triggered Diet Watch 2011 and a slew of encouraging statements) to notice the change, including my husband, like, way to be observant Officer and, I digress...

...anyway, my employee made all the right congratulatory statements and I reveled in the fact that my efforts are starting to have some tangible-and noticeable-results.

Because I am proud. And, you know vain.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Holding Pattern

Nothing new to report. I am sticking to my diet and doing my best to make exercise a priority. I have had quite a bit of success with situations that might have been a challenge for me in the past-weekend trips, social occasions, holidays-and have managed not to fall completely off the wagon.

My weight loss has been slow but steady and, if it continues, will get me to my goal weight by September.

I have had far less PMS-related misery since I started eating better but, never more so than this month. Indeed, I expect Aunt Flo any day now and yet I have managed to dodge the serious cravings that I normally have for chocolate, salty foods and fat. Also, I don't appear to be nearly as bloated as I generally get this time of the month and (fingers crossed so as not to jinx myself) I have absolutely no breast tenderness. I'm sleeping well and the afternoon exhaustion that had become such a normal part of my monthly cycle has been MIA this month while the desire to continue exercising has increased. My skin is better than it has been for years and, while part of the credit for that might go to the monthly facials and expensive products I have been using; I mostly credit the healthier diet and increased water consumption.

All in all, I am pleased and can easily see myself continuing this lifestyle for the rest of my life. I think that realization is almost more rewarding than the weight loss, itself.

Although, I'm really, really happy about the weight loss (fifteen pounds, so far).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Grand Slam, Diet Style

My parents and youngest nephew are in town for a visit and, according to my children, no visit from the grandparents is complete without a trip to Denny's for breakfast (the childrens' breakfast consisting of a chocolate shake but, that is a story for another day) so; off to Denny's we went.

It is possible to enjoy a good breakfast at Denny's while on a diet, color me surprised. One whole wheat pancake, scrambled egg whites, two slices of turkey bacon and a side of seasonal fruit clocked in at seven points and three tablespoons of syrup added an additional four points for a total of eleven points which is more than I would generally eat at breakfast but, dining with company is a special treat and totally worth the extra points.

The best part of the whole thing is that I was able to look a menu over and to make good choices despite the plethora of really crappy foods that predominated it. Once again, we see progress.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That's Better

Back on the wagon with a vengeance. Diet is back on track, exercise is happening in the form of walking and free weights with a little Pilates thrown in for good measure and, surprisingly; PMS is under control despite the fact that I am on track to begin surfing the crimson tide in just over a week.

Really. Very few cravings, no belly bloat, no boob tenderness and a marked reduction in the exhaustion and lethargy that I generally experience this time of the month and; I can only assume that my improved diet is to credit for the change.

Granted, I still have a week to go but, I'm really not that worried about it. Now, if I can just manage to stay on track with the weight-loss, something that may become more difficult as my body grows accustomed to taking in fewer calories and to exercising more; I'll be doing great.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So, I fell off the wagon yesterday. For the first time in months, I indulged in crap-carbs including white flour tortillas and chocolate. It was not my best moment.

On the bright side, not too long ago, this kind of stumble would lead to a massive free-fall of crap eating, sloth and despair. In contrast, today I intend to get right back into my healthy eating groove as well as to walk and do my weight program.

I think they call this progress. Let's just hope the scale reflects that come Friday.

Friday, May 6, 2011



One pound down. I was kind of hoping for more. I mean, I've been really, really good but; that's the way the cookie crumbles (I haven't had a cookie in almost three months, BTW) and, as I've said before; better a pound lost than a pound gained.

Plus, as it now stands, not only have I lost some weight but, I've lost inches and, that's a good thing as far as my jeans are concerned. Also, the last time I was close to this weight, I was doing the HGC diet with Jana and it SUCKED. I much prefer to lose the weight slowly and consistently while actually, you know, eating.

So, goal for next week, to see 135 which is where I bottomed out on HGC. Then, onward and downward, baby. Onward and downward.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Operation Hottie by July

Goals to reach for the completion of the operation:

-Weight at 118-119 (continue Weight Watchers)
-Toned upper and lower body (step up workouts with weights, start Pilates and Yoga)
-Good haircut and style (need to find stylist who won't scalp me while chatting inanely about stupid shit)
-Dazzling smile (hellooo, Crest Whitestrips)
-Glowing skin (continue monthly facials, tan wisely, water, water, water)
-Cute wardrobe (shopping trip!)

Can I do it? Yes, I can.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This Post (and $3) Brought to You by Not-So-Tight Jeans

This morning, I decided to try on some of the jeans in my closet; I'm having a yard sale later in the month and I figured it was time to weed out the things that I no longer (have not been able to) wear and, jeans have been at the top of the list for a while, now.

I am pleased to say; all but the smallest-sized jeans in the closet fit, if not perfectly, then comfortably. In fact, if I continue to lose weight at even the slow pace that I am currently losing, I should be able to fit comfortably into my vanity jeans-the Seven for all Mankind boyfriend jeans that I purchased four years ago, at the point that I felt the best about myself-in no time at all.

And, I found $3 in a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear since at least two Stampedes ago.
